HIPAA Policy
EnzymEnergy Inc.. ~ HIPAA POLICY
EnzymEnergy Inc.. is committed to identifying meaningful solutions to its customer’s challenges. This customer commitment requires that EnzymEnergy Inc. keep in step with industry legislative and regulatory initiatives such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA").
HIPAA's privacy and security regulations require that EnzymEnergy Inc. customers monitor and limit the ways in which patients' confidential information is accessed, utilized, stored, transmitted, and disposed. EnzymEnergy Inc. realizes that its customers must comply with HIPAA's complex privacy and security standards. EnzymEnergy Inc. recognizes that its customers’ compliance activities may include seeking assistance from EnzymEnergy Inc.; however, EnzymEnergy Inc. does not utilize confidential patient information and expressly refuses anything that contains confidential patient information. To this end, while EnzymEnergy Inc. is committed to assisting its customers, it does not accept or store anything that includes confidential patient information.
If you have any questions regarding EnzymEnergy Inc. or our HIPAA policy, please contact us via info@enzymenergy.com.